What our candidates Can Expect From Us
- We will always take our Direction from YOU
- Your search will be conducted with the highest level of confidentiality
- We will NOT waste your time
- If we CANNOT assist you, we will provide you with other resources
- We will strive to become the Best Listener in your life
- Our Goal is to become your Lifetime Agent
- Your resume will NEVER be submitted without your permission
- You will only be contacted, when we have an opportunity that meets the priorities you share with us during your interview
- Prior to an interview, we will share “inside information” on our clients to provide you with a competitive edge
- If we don’t have a current opportunity that matches your priorities, we will market your skills to our outstanding Client Base as well as companies you identify
- After each interview, we will fine tune our search based on your feedback
- If you are interested in one of our opportunities, we will negotiate the best possible offer
- Your references will be checked and we will share the results with you
- We will continue to work on your behalf until you have landed your next opportunity
- Once we place you in a position, we will follow-up with both you and your new employer
- These services will all be provided at NO cost to you
What we Expect From You
- We would appreciate a resume that is accurate
- Many of the Opportunities we represent are not advertised and we ask that you don’t share information on these positions with others
- We need to know your target date to make a Career Change so we respect your timeframe
- If you are only interested in more money, we advise you to meet with your current employer prior to going on interviews. You don’t want to jeopardize your career path by accepting a counter-offer
- Realize the more open and honest you are with us, the better service we can provide you
- Realize we specialize in your Profession and want to discuss your short as well as long term career goals
- If you make any alterations on your resume, please inform us
- Prior to our interview, please email back your completed Profile Form so we can focus on your priorities during our conversation
- Realize we have inside information on each of our clients that we will share with you prior to the interview. We need you to make yourself available for this pre-interview preparation
- When in doubt, please agree to go on the interview. Often it takes your feedback after an interview, to help us fine-tune our search
- Please share with us the companies you respect, so we can target those companies when we are marketing your skills
- After each interview, we need you to contact us so we can take our direction from you
- Please keep us updated on your interview activity, so we don’t duplicate efforts
- It is important that we know what salary and benefit package you will accept so we can negotiate the best offer possible
- We will need business as well as personal references